i3 wm screenshots

i3 seems to be the new tiling WM on the block, and quite a solid one at that. While I've just begun tinkering with it, I figured it might be good to have a thread i3 users can share their screenshots and possibly also configuration details, so that ne

相關軟體 Window Manager 下載

WindowManager is handy little system tweaking tool that can improve your workflow. It works by remembering and then restoring the position and size of your apps and windows. There are lots of a...

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  • 2015年9月22日 - I want to have different ways of making a screenshot, handy with a key combi...
    bindsym for screenshot partially not working - i3 FAQ
  • [2016-11-28] Accepted i3-wm 4.13-1~bpo8+1 (source amd64) into jessie-backports (Michael St...
    Debian Package Tracker - i3-wm
  • i3config - Personal i3-wm configuration and helpers ... README.md Personal i3wm config fil...
    GitHub - nightsh/i3config: Personal i3-wm configuration and helpers
  • 2015年10月1日 - I use i3 WM. So, my question is: how can I configure Unity-like screenshot b...
    How can I easily make screenshots of screen regions on Arch Linux ...
  • i3 is a dynamic tiling window manager with clean, readable and documented code, featuring ...
    i3 - improved tiling wm
  • i3 is a dynamic tiling window manager with clean, readable and documented code, featuring ...
    i3 - Official Site
  • i3 seems to be the new tiling WM on the block, and quite a solid one at that. While I'...
    i3 desktop screenshots and config sharing / Artwork and Screenshots / Arch Linux Forums
  • I found lot's of examples to take screenshots in I3, but most of them require addition...
    I3 WM Gnome style screenshots | Stroobant.be
  • gnome i3-wm gnome-screenshot asked Oct 18 '16 at 18:48 Philip Kirkbride 280 5 28 2 vot...
    Newest 'i3-wm' Questions - Ask Ubuntu
  • Frequently asked questions and answers about the i3 window manager The i3 FAQ has migrated...
    Questions - i3 FAQ
  • i3 is a dynamic tiling window manager with clean, readable and documented code, featuring ...
    Screens - i3 - improved tiling wm
  • First try: scrot (since it seems to be the most recomended tool for screenshots in i3wm) W...
    Screenshot of focused window - i3 FAQ
  • i3-wm improved dynamic tiling window manager from version 4.1.2-2 Request removal If you t...
  • typing this in the teminal allows me to make a screen capture of a selection of the screen...
    Scrot selection using bindkeys - i3 FAQ
  • I use i3 WM. So, my question is: how to configure unity-like screenshoter to be able to sn...
    The good way to make screenshots of screen regions on arch Linux with i3 WM - Unix & L...
  • Besides that problem, I was wondering what do you use to capture a screenshot with i3? I a...
    What do you guys use for "printscreen"? - i3 FAQ